Mercy's Tree Serving Ministries

ur mission is to serve in various mission projects in the immediate area and throughout the world. We invite people to established mercy ministries to build relationships, learn about community needs, and grow hearts and minds to develop a closer community. We advocate for the hungry, the homeless, and the hurting. We invite you to show God’s love is real, face-to-face or behind the scenes. Our focus is to provide a caring, Christian presence in our community along with partnering with other ministries in our church.

Rachel Stoneman, Director of Missions


  • The Table food ministry - 3rd Wednesdays from 12:30-4PM

    Each month as an agency of the NWLA Food Bank, we distribute food to our neighbors in need. Volunteers are needed Tuesday and Wednesday of food distribution week. 

    Tuesday Before Distribution (Day before)

    9:00 AM Truck Unloading & 10:00 AM Food Bag Packing

    *3rd Wednesday

    12:30 PM Food & Clothing Distribution

    2024 Dates:

    October 16, November 20, December 11

    *In December, our distribution takes place on the 2nd Wednesday of the month so that our pantry recipients can plan their Christmas dinner.

    Click here to apply for our monthly food pantry

    Click here to apply for the senior food box program

    Click Here for the Food Pantry Distribution Schedule

  • THE Closet Clothes MINISTRY - WEDNESDAYS FROM 12:30-2PM

    Serving those in need of clothing and household items and there are no requirements necessary to shop—everyone is welcome. Donations of clothing, shoes, and linens are accepted at Benton Methodist Church.

    Hours: Wednesdays 12:30 AM-2:00 PM; 3rd Wednesdays 12:30 AM-4:00 PM

    Contact Sue Shadow for Information

    Click Here for Closet Schedule

  • Souper Saturday - Last Saturday of the Month
    Cooks & Sandwich Makers: 7:30 AM

    Drivers: 8:45-9:30 am

    Meets the last Saturday of each month to prepare soup and bag lunches for those in the Benton community who receive Meals-on-Wheels and other homebound people. The ministry ensures that these recipients receive at least one warm meal on the weekend. Servants gather to cook, bag, clean or deliver the soup and lunches.

    2024 Dates: 

    September 28, October 26, November 30


    Contact Joan Greathouse for Information

  • Bible Study at Cumberland Farms Tuesdays at 8:30 AM

    Join us for fellowship with those who serve and who are served through Cumberland Farms. We meet at 8:30 AM and our current study is The Cross by LifeGuide available on Amazon.


  • Thursday Night Bible Studies & Dinner

    4th THURSDAYS  at CUMBERLAND FARMS 4:15 - 6:45 PM

    We will volunteer at Cumberland Farms with the youth group on the 4th Thursday of each month feeding the community. We will meet at the church and leave there at 4:15 PM returning back to the church by 6:45 PM.

    2024 Dates: September 26, October 24, November 27, December 19

    2025 Dates: January 23, February 27, March 27, April 24, May 22

  • Woody's Home for Veterans Bingo Nights - 4th Fridays at 5pm

    BINGO, pizza, fun and fellowship. Get to know the residents of Woody's, being a caring Christian presence in the lives of those who sacrificed their time for our protection. Woody's is a place for those who did not come home completely whole and who are experiencing mercy, justice and the love Christ through Woody's home for veterans. Let us be a part of that active love. Adults, youth and children are invited to serve.

    2024 Dates: September 27, October 24, November 27, December TBD

    Contact Rachel Stoneman for information

  • Fire Recovery Ministry - When called

    This ministry meets people at one of the most devastating times of their lives and helps the recovery process begin, all while the fire is still burning. The Fire Recovery Ministry is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.

    How it works: The fire chief or fire fighter calls and the team responds immediately with the fire box and their servant partner (preferably male and female). Then, the team will arrive at the house (ID cards are issued by the fire chief), meet the family, and do what is called for at that time. Often,  they need hugs, answers to questions about what is next, and most importantly, to pray with them. If you are interested in this ministry, training is available.

    Contact Rachel Stoneman for information  

  • Lifeshare blood Drive  - Sunday november 3 from 7:45-11:45 AM

    In March we collected 8 units and met our goal! Thank you to all who donated! Our new goal for the next drive is 11. Help us make this goal. We need YOU!

    2024 Future drives: November 3

  • Mission & Disaster orientation - TBA

    At our mission orientation we will discuss our mission focus, our programs, and answer any questions you have about serving on the mission team. If you would like to learn more about mission and how to engage with our community, please fill out this form:


    I am interested!